First United Lutheran Church & Middle Circle are cohosting a Christmas Eve Gathering and we would love for you to join us!
We'll start our evening off with an informal living room style service exploring the meaning of Christmas and its various traditions through story and song. Several community members have prepared to share carols with us and Saint Nicolas may even visit us along the way! Narrated by Rev. Anders. Please be sure sure to arrive before 7 PM.
Following the service we'll make merry into the evening with lots of good food and drink (with an extra kick if you'd like). You're welcome to bring an appetizer or dessert to share and we'll have song books and musical instruments at the ready if folks want to sing their favorite holiday songs.
The Johnson/Alliston family (Tamara, Jacob, Gave and Zeke) have graciously opened their home to us for the evening. They are located in Marin and if you'd like to carpool with Anders & Michelle contact us Anders at 415-610-8321