Middle Circle's partner, the San Francisco Urban Adventure Club, is hosting a workshop to explore how to better strengthen connections and community.
This a free event. Contact the organizer Andy for more info.
As a social club or group gets established, what are the ways we can accelerate depth of connection between members turning that group into a group of best friends? Research shows that this can help everyone in that group live longer, healthier lives.
Many times the group gets stuck at the surface level, alcohol and activities help people avoid their insecurities. For groups to go deep, they have to share their insecurities, become vulnerable, and feel accepted for who they are, not who they feel they need to pretend to be.
This event will experiment for 60-90 minutes with an activity that helps to take people who are acquaintances, and bring them deeper.
Agenda For Session:
00-10: Discuss purpose of meeting, to help deepen a group into a community, set ground rules to hold a safe space for everyone including confidentiality
10-25: Discuss what brings the group together, what is the goal of this group?
25-35: Introduce active listening and conscious communication
35-45: Discuss what can/has got in the way in the past for the group
45:65: Do a active listening exercise, where each member can share how they’re doing at this session
65-80: Discuss what worked and what didn’t work in the session
80-90 (optional): Discuss how to organize the next session
The Plan:
07:00 PM: Meet in the community room of the church for introductions
07:30 PM: Begin the workshop
09:00 PM: Post workshop hang out
What To Bring:
Snacks and soft drinks will be provided but you're welcome to bring snacks or drinks to share as well.
Bus: 5, 21, 31, 43
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