Reflecting Together on Sacred Texts
Interfaith Discussion Series
Free Event. Everyone is Welcome. In partnership with First United Lutheran Church.
RSVP & Contact Rev. Dr. Susan Strouse for more information.
We will kick off our new season with a potluck supper and begin using Scriptural Reasoning as the jumping-off point for our discussions.
We will also plan for future meeting times and locations.
What is Scriptural Reasoning?
“Reading, listening to and reflecting on scripture is something many do naturally within their own worshipping communities. Participants in SR are not asked to leave that behind; rather, people of different faiths come together to read and reflect on their scriptures side-by-side. SR is not about seeking agreement but rather exploring the texts and their possible interpretations across faith boundaries, and learning to ‘disagree better’. The result is often a deeper understanding of others' and one’s own scriptures, as well as the development of strong bonds across faith communities. SR is now practiced globally, including in places affected by religion-related tensions and conflict.”