Book Club
February's book is Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer
About the Book
Finding one's calling is not just about finding something we can do - it is about finding what we can't not do. "Let your life speak" is a time-honored Quaker admonition to live one's life as witness to the deepest truths one knows. But as Parker Palmer explains, those words can also mean "listen to your life, and let it tell you what your truth is." Vocation, he writes, comes not from external demands but from listening to the true self, a listening that will always call us into some form of service to others. Though the details of our journey are singular, we draw from it that which is universal. This book is a moving and illuminating guide for anyone who seeks not just a job but a calling and companionship along the way.
Discussion on Let Your Life Speak will take place on
Thursday, Feb. 27 at 7 PM
Book Club meets in Oakland at Anders & Michelle Peterson’s home and for those who are out of state or living in a different country, you can join remotely online through Zoom here. Please RSVP below!
*This book can easily be found at most libraries.
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