***Philosophy Night will meet online through Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Grab a beverage, some dinner, or snacks and join us for engaging conversation.***
This Month's Topic: Government: Exploring the political philosophy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Conversation Leader(s): Kate Hagen & Femi Ogundiya
Suggested Preparation for Discussion: (Folks are always welcome to join the conversation no matter how much prework has been completed):
Philosophy Behind the Constitution — Bill of Rights Institute (video)
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — Psychology Today
Anti-Government Terrorism — Heather Cox Richardson
Why the Black Lives Matter Movement Should Claim the 14th Amendment — The Undefeated
America is a Failing State. And Establishment Politics Can’t Solve the Crisis — The Guardian, Bhaskar Sunkara
What If The Way We Think About Freedom And Equality Is All Wrong? — WBUR
The Constitution — James Madison
Host: Middle Circle
Food & Drinks: Bring your own food and drinks to our online discussion.
What is Philosophy Night?: Middle Circle's monthly philosophy night creates a place for friends or strangers to dig into the topics that mean the most in our lives. Each gathering is hosted and facilitated by Middle Circle community members and centers on an age-old philosophical question. There is always food, beer & wine, and non-alcoholic beverages available.
Cost: Please plan to contribute $10-20 to Middle Circle to support hosting the gathering. You can donate at the event, right now through Venmo (@middlecircle), through PayPal's Charitable Giving Portal, or while signing-up below. Donating is important to Middle Circle's vitality however no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
What If I Haven't Studied Philosophy?: You don't need to be well versed in philosophy to participate. Philosophy literally means love of wisdom. All that's needed is an interest in having a great conversation about a meaningful topic with good company.
***Note this event is listed as private but the information is sharable. Feel free to share this invitation with friends and acquaintances that you think would like to participate!***