Middle Circle partner, St. Cyprian's Church, is hosting a special service welcoming the Saint John Coltrane Church to Saint Cyprian's, December 7th, at 7pm corner of Turk and Lyon. The Rt. Rev. Marc H. Andrus Diocesan Bishop of the Episcopal Church will preside during an evening celebration of Advent Vespers. The theme for the evening will be "The Peaceable Kingdom" Archbishop Franzo King, Rev. Wanika Rev. Mother Marina other clergy staff members and friends will join in the celebration.
***A special offering will be raised by St. Cyprian's to help with some of the financial needs that have been incurred during this transition. Refreshments will be served in the parish hall following the service. Donation to the St. Coltrane community can me made here.
For more information contact: coltraneaoc@gmail.com or 415 673-7144